50 Claps

How you’ll feel and how we’ll feel! https://pixabay.com/photos/baby-happy-birthday-clap-clapping-2659226/

Oh won’t you please clap a 50?

It is really kinda nifty

when you go from a “view” to a “read”

to do this good deed,

helps a writer feel like such an “uplift-ee.”

Claps have been debased by others who shall remain nameless. While it is true that claps don’t fall to our dollar bottom line, they do provide…



Michael Burg, MD (Satire Sommelier) 😬
The Brain is a Noodle

The “MD” & “um” in Medium, and the “er” in wisenheimer | Doctor Funny editor/czar | Sultan of satire | disgraced former parking lot attendant